Fast Times & Cashless Highs: Technology’s Ode To Debt …

“He who is quick to borrow, is slow to pay”– German proverb If you are young you are likely in too much of a hurry to read this and if you are older – can you remember what it was like to be young? Fast times and cashless highs: Technology’s ode to debt makes for […]
A Bad Credit Rating Is Not A Death Sentence: It just feels that way in the game of life

“The human wish to credit good things as miraculous and to charge bad things to another account is apparently universal” – Christopher Hitchens We are not joking about something like suicide or the depression that can follow from poor financial decisions and outcomes. It can be a very dark time for those who have cooked […]
Identity Crimes Committed Against Your Credit Rating: What To Do About It …

There is nothing quite as distasteful as having your identity stolen and used against you via the crime of defrauding your person. We live at a time where we celebrate the life of the individual. There may be 8 billion of us living on the planet but we value our own lives greatly just the […]